Everyone needs an epic quest…

Our Epic Quest

Chris’ Take: Welcome to our blog. For several years now, Sophie and I have been food truck fans. Although, to be completely honest, I’m not sure either of us have ever been to one, except maybe taco buses, or food trucks that park at The Fair. So, to be clear, we have been fans of the idea of food trucks, and have watched shows like The Great Food Truck Race on TV, wishing we had cool food trucks closer to home. So, imagine our excitement when we ran across the latest edition of Seattle Met magazine, highlighting the 45 best food trucks in Seattle. OUR BACKYARD! It immediately became apparent that this was to be our epic quest: Sample all 45 of the food trucks highlighted in the article. So, over the next several months, (perhaps more, after all, 45 food trucks is a lot), we will search out and sample each of the food trucks highlighted in this magazine, and report back here about our experience. Sophie and I will each post our own impressions, which may be very different. Bon Appetit!

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